
Céline Duhamel

Céline Duhamel

Her deep and warm voice is well-known, as Celine DUHAMEL has dubbed many films (Kelly Rutherford, Isabella Rossellini), advertisements, documentary films, video games (Destiny, The Witcher, Mass Effect…), and some sons et lumières (Les Orgues de feu).

Céline Duhamel made her debut with the musicals Le Roi Soleil and Les Liaisons dangereuses. She is also an actress, she plays in different shows and films and adapts many of them: Le Manuscrit de Rembrandt, Femina Liber, A la Table des Mots…

She plays also in different television films and series. After a 5 years international tour for Mozart l’Opéra Rock, Céline Duhamel comes back on Paris stage in the Lucernaire Theatre for Les Voyageurs du crime, with the Cercle de Whitechapel team. The show is produced by Le Renard argenté and Pascal Legros Organisation.

Céline Duhamel

The performers

Suite au succès du spectacle de l'été 2019, La nuit aux Invalides...

Jean Piat
The voices of the show

Jean Piat

Honorary member of the Comédie-Française, Jean Piat had an important career on stage and behind the curtain. He ...

Billetterie 2020

La billetterie pour l’édition 2020 est ouverte, dépêchez-vous de prendre vos billets !